Sanctuary Sounds (12/15/24)

We are all called to “go tell it.” That is what the Great Commission is all about. So who will you tell this Christmas? Maybe you can invite someone to our church’s Christmas concert. Maybe you can send a card with a handwritten note sharing the Good News. Maybe you can have a conversation with a friend or neighbor.

Parent/Grandparent Idea: Talk with your child about the importance of sharing Christ with others. Come up with a person that you will talk with about Jesus (or invite to a church event) this Christmas. Pray for that person and then… go tell it.

When Simeon held Jesus, he said, “for my eyes have seen your salvation” (Luke 2:30). This is an amazing thing to say about this infant: Jesus hadn’t accomplished salvation yet. But Simeon knew that God’s promise was guaranteed. Looking at an eight-day-old baby who couldn’t lift his own head, He saw the One who would carry the weight of all his people’s sins. And when Simeon saw this baby, he trusted God’s promise. He had faith.

Do you trust God for all that He has promised to do in your life? This is the essence of faith. Abraham trusted God and it was counted to him as righteousness. In this story, we see another righteous man—Simeon—who was right with God because of faith.

Christmas is a great time to evaluate your heart and life. Are you living like a person who really trusts in the promises of God? Do you trust Him in your finances? Do you trust Him in your relationships? Do you trust Him in life transitions? Do you trust Him with your kids?

Parent/Grandparent Idea: Ask your children: who do you trust? And then ask: Why do you trust that person? Use their answers to share about what it means to put our trust in Christ.

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