Sanctuary Sounds (10/20/24)

These articles are meant to help us carry our Sunday-worship with us throughout the week. To find out more about this goal, read this.

I want to start this week’s post with this song because it sets my heart in the right state to consider the truths of Acts 8.

Truth: When I am sad and failing, God can be trusted to be with me.
“Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness, take it to the Lord in prayer.”

Truth: When the burdens of life feel too heavy, God is strong enough to carry them.
“Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our Refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer”

Truth: When other supports break, He doesn’t.
“Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take to the Lord in prayer.
In his arms, He’ll take and shield thee, thou will find a solace there.”

Parent/Grandparent Idea: Take some time this week to pray FOR your child. Think about their unique struggles and needs. And pray. And take some time to pray WITH your child. Bring them to the Lord in prayer.

The Bible is not a book about cartoon characters who don’t have real problems and pain. Philip experienced the death of a friend, persecution, displacement, and more. This was confusing and hard. The Ethiopian really experienced tragedy, loss, disappointment, and hopelessness. 

I am so thankful that the Bible doesn’t minimize the pains and problems of real life. 

And I am so thankful that the Scriptures paint a picture of a gospel that is so big and awesome. He can redeem. He can restore. And He gives joy to his people. 

God brought Philip and the Ethiopian to just the right place: a chariot on a desert road. It might not have seemed to make the most sense to them, but it was perfect. God had not only put Philip on the road and the Ethiopian in the chariot, He had also put the right scroll in his hand. God had worked out a multi-thousand mile journey and orchestrated myriad details for this moment. And this moment brought eternal hope and life-changing purpose. God is just that good.

And we need to remember that God directs each of us to just the right places and just the right people too. He is working. But not just working: “We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Rom 8:28).

Parent/Grandparent Note:
Philip took the opportunity to explain Scripture to the Ethiopian. One of the primary parent roles is similar. God calls us to teach our kids to obey everything he has commanded (Matt 28). Consider if you need to adjust your routines or timelines so that you can regularly read the Bible and pray with your child. 

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