Sanctuary Sounds (12/8/24)
- Song Highlight: Joy to the World
Parent/Grandparent Note: Kids experience hard things in their lives. Consider what your child has experienced lately. Maybe it was moving, a school disappointment, an ongoing challenge, a rejection, or an embarrassment. Take time to thank God that He rules even through the hard, painful parts of life. Ask Him to help you to trust Him regarding the struggles your kids experience.
- Scripture Highlight: Luke 1:39-56
And where did that joy come from? The Holy Spirit.
If you are a believer, the Holy Spirit fuels your joy and your praise. On the other hand, if the realities of Christ and his saving work don’t make you want to praise, you should consider if you are walking with Christ. After all, this is Good News.
Parent/Grandparent Idea: Ask your children about the things that make them want to jump for joy. Share some of your own experiences. (Did you jump for joy when your team won? When you got the promotion? When you got your tax return? When your favorite person won your favorite reality show? When a new Taco Bell opened in town?) Then discuss why Christ gives us a bigger, better joy.
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