A Plus One Life: Growing Love in the Church

Growing Our Church in Love by Committing to A Plus-One Life

Over the past few weeks in Romans 14 and 15, the Apostle Paul encouraged the church not to “argue over opinions” or “pass judgment” on one another.  Instead, we are to “welcome one another as Christ welcomed us”, and we are to lift up each other “for good, to build each other up” by  seeking “endurance and encouragement” in God’s Word and praying for “the God of Hope to fill us with joy and peace in believing so that by the Holy Spirit we may abound in hope.”

Stephen McAlpine, in his book Future Proof: How to Live for Jesus in a Culture that Keeps Changing, shares an idea for strengthening love in the church that was effective where he served.  It’s called "Plus One". Each year they ask members to do just one specific thing extra that adds to the life of God's people.

He describes it this way:

It may be having dinner with another couple or family from church once a month. It may be  regularly praying with or for one particular person in  the church. It could be deliberately spending time  with one non-Christian friend.

 It doesn't sound like much. There's no giving everything away or holding everything in common. It isn't very "ninja Christian". This means it's workable, and it’s transferable. It's "Plus One", not "Times Everything”! The Plus One idea accepts that most of life is ordinary and most of us are ordinary. But if you start with bite-sized, ordinary ways of focusing on other people, you may just hit your target.”

Many of us may feel overwhelmed by our schedules or be limited by other factors.  But Stephen’s idea of focusing on a bite sized opportunity to love your church can multiply the love within our church as each person commits to a plus one life.  I’d like to encourage everyone to prayerfully ask God to show one way you can make a difference to someone(s) in our church family over the next four months.

Also, check out Pastor Kelly’s great blog on the Church Website or DPC App called “Sanctuary Sounds”.  It gives highlights from the sermon as well as takeaways, including ways to help parents equip their children with the Scripture Passage for the week!

In Christ’s Grace, Pastor Kevin

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