Sanctuary Sounds (9/22/24)

These articles are meant to help us carry our Sunday-worship with us throughout the week. To find out more about this goal, read this.
This week Pastor Kevin spoke about hope. He prayed for us that, “the God of hope [would] fill [us] with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit [we] may abound in hope” (15:13). But life can feel hopeless sometimes.

So what can we do when we feel what the Bible says in Psalm 42:5? That verse asks and answers, “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation.”

The Holy Spirit empowers us to hope in God in every circumstance. Why? Because God is strong, does what is right, and cares for us. In Mark 5, Jairus received news that his daughter had died. But with Christ, there was hope. Jesus told him, ““Do not fear, only believe.” In other words: hope in God.

How can we find hope when we are in the midst of our pain, disappointment, or confusion? There are many right choices here: prayer, wise counsel, worship. But Romans 15 points us to Scripture. In verse 4, we read that God’s Word was given “for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”

So what is one way in which the Holy Spirit gives hope to his people? Through the Bible. God speaks through his Word. And his words are what we need for instruction, for endurance, and for encouragement. He is ready to speak to you. And when we open his book, He opens his mouth.

*Preach the Word to yourself by reading and reflecting on Psalm 103. How does this Psalm build your hope in God?

*For littler kids: Think about the amazing things that God did for people Noah, Moses, David, Esther, Peter, and Paul. Did God ever fail? Did He ever get tired? Did God ever let his people down? Never. And He doesn’t let us down either.

Another way to fuel our hope is through worship. And this song paints a unique and inspiring picture of praise. 

If Charles Wesley wrote this song today, he might say something like, “I wish I had a thousand mouths so that I could sing more praise to God.” That is the idea of the song. And it is a pretty wild picture. But the truth of the matter is: we can never give God too much praise. It is impossible because He is worthy. 

*Take a few moments to consider the greatness of God. How has He been faithful to you? What has He done that no one else can do? How has He shown his kindness, power, or mercy in your life? 

*For littler kids: What do you think are some of the most amazing things God has done in the Bible? Think again about how He worked in the lives of people like Noah, Moses, David, Esther, Peter, and Paul. What is one of your favorite things about God?
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