Sunday School
9:45am on Sundays is a great time for kids! We have a nursery (0-3years), along with classes for early elementary (4k-2nd) and older elementary (3rd-5th).
Nursery and Wee Worship
During the 11am Worship Service, there is a nursery for infants and toddlers. After the children's message, kids who are 3-6 years old are welcome at Wee Worship.
Church Family Night
All ages eat and sing together from 5:15-6:15, then the kids get go to their age-specific classes until 7pm. 3rd-5th graders also get to participate in KidsChoir as a part of their class.
What is the point of our kids' ministry?
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..." - Matthew 19:14
Teaching Children that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, died on the cross, and rose again from the dead so that they could have a relationship with God, and that they are loved by God unconditionally are vitally important. If you want your children to experience the love of God first hand as they read the Bible, sing songs, and play games, then DPC is the place for you. Come join us and start your children on the path of following Jesus.