Will Sanctuary Sounds Echo in Our Homes?

We do something special as a church on Sunday mornings: we worship God as a church family. We pour out our hearts to God in prayer. We sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. We hear God’s own words and we consider how to put them into practice. Those are good and necessary things for a Sunday worship service.

But… they are also good and necessary things in our homes. The songs and sounds of the sanctuary should echo in the halls of our homes.

So my goal is to regularly give you songs, Scripture verses, and questions that can help you carry the service home. You can play the music at home or in the car. You can read the Scriptures at the table, before bed, or in family devotions. And you can discuss the questions with your kids, spouse, siblings, or friends.

Echoes from the 9/15/24 Worship Service

God’s children can pray because we know that our Father loves to take care of his own. And, not only that, He has the power to do it.

*How should it change our prayers to know that our God “wins every battle” and that “Nothing can stand against the power of our God”?

*For littler kids: What is something that only God can do? Are you brave enough to ask Him to do it?

Pastor Kevin pointed out that our choices have the power to destroy the one for whom Christ died (v15). And our choices also have the power to make peace and build others up (v19). This same message is expressed at the start of Philippians 2 which talks about doing “nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count[ing] others more significant than yourselves.”

*What is one real-life action or word that you should avoid this week to keep from harming someone else? Be practical. Maybe it’s to say no to a sin. Or to hold your tongue when that is tough. Or choosing not to watch or listen to something that could harm another believer.

*And what is one real-life action that you should take this week to build someone else up? Again, be practical. Can you share some encouragement? Can you do a chore you’ve been putting off? Can you meet a need?

*For littler kids: What is one real-life way that you could show someone else that you think they are important? Should you let them pick the game you’ll play or the show you’ll watch? Could you let them have the “best” seat in the car or at the table?

And remember: we don’t “pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding” in order to earn anything from the Lord. We do it because He pursued peace with us at the cost of his life. We treasure Him and want to love Him with our lives.
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Laura Smith - September 16th, 2024 at 3:39pm

Great follow up to Sunday’s message. Happy to see discussion questions for the younger kids too! :)

Leah - September 17th, 2024 at 11:09am

I really like this concept of taking what we heard Sunday and applying it to the week ahead. I look forward to sharing this with my family!